Brand New Ballgame Hitting Nights
December is upon us and that means the KP Pride teams are scheduled to start training indoors. Indoor hitting at Brand New Ballgame is starting THIS TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY. The 10U and 12U teams will hit on Tuesdays while the 14U and 18U teams will be on Wednesdays. 14U will hit from 7:00 to 8:00 PM followed by the 18U team from 8:00 to 9:00 PM.
The 10U and 12U groups are split into 40 minute time slots to help with providing instruction throughout the session times. The first slot is 6:00 to 6:40, second slot is 6:40 to 7:20 and the third slot is 7:20 to 8:00. Please try to attend your assigned time slot or let one of the coaches know of another time if there are conflicts. We will reevaluate our initial assignments after a few weeks to even out the groups.